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My No-Cook Base

My No-Cook Base

I’ve been experimenting for a while to try to find the ultimate no-cook recipe. Sometimes you want ice cream straight away right? This recipe is the best yet!
It’s a no-egg recipe and uses Lecithin instead as an emulsifier.
This base is perfect for vanilla ice cream, just add 5 ml vanilla extract to the base.


IngredientWeight (g)Amount (%)
Milk (3%)450.043.85
Cream (40%)350.034.10
Skim milk powder40.03.90
Guar gum0.80.08

It has the following properties

  • FAT 15%
  • MSNF 9.4%
  • Total solids 42.3%
  • PAC 256 (Freezing point depression)
  • POD 154 (Relative sweetness)

Notes on the ingredients

Milk and Cream
If you have different fat content for the milk and/or cream you can recalculate that in the software.
Skim milk powder
SMP adds milk solids (MSNF). SMP is great for controlling water and adds body to the ice cream.
I use a sugar blend of normal sugar (sucrose) and dextrose. I almost always use these two sugars, they give you great flexibility to control sweetness and freezing point depression.
I use lecithin as emulsifier instead of egg yolks. I add 4.5g lecithin which replaces 3 large egg yolks.
Guar gum
Guar gum hydrates cold and I choose this as my stabilizer. I have tried blending Guar gum and Xanthan gum but have not been super happy with that, the ice cream gets a slimy texture. Maybe I haven’t found the right blend. It’s important not to use too much as the ice cream will become chewy.
Inulin is a dietary fiber that is found in many vegetables and fruits like onions and banana. It’s extracted from the root of chicory which contains 15-20% inulin. Inulin has great water controlling properties and when mixed with water or milk it creates a smooth fat-like texture. It has a low sweetness (10% of sucrose) and neutral flavor.


As this is a no-cook recipe it’s super simple to prepare.

  • Start your ice cream machine 10-15 minutes before to pre-freeze it.
  • Measure and mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.
  • The most important here is the Guar gum, use a scale that reads 0.01g. You need two scales when making ice cream, one for measuring small amounts like stabilizers and salt etc with a resolution of 0.01g. And one with a resolution of 1g that can weigh several Kgs for milk and cream etc.
  • Make sure you mix all dry ingredients well before adding to the milk and cream. This reduces the risk of clumping and ensures the Guar gum will work properly.
  • Add milk and cream to another bowl.
  • Slowly add the dry ingredients while blending with a hand-held blender.
  • Blend for one minute.
  • (Optional, let the mix rest in the fridge for a couple of hours to rest and chill. Give it a quick blend before churning).
  • Churn in your ice cream machine.

4 thoughts on “My No-Cook Base”

  1. I am an ice cream hobbyist and my 8-year-old granddaughter demanded 8 ice cream flavors for her birthday party. As she had invited her entire class, I was faced with the prospect of using countless eggs and hours over a hot stove. THEN I found your no egg, no cook base! You saved my life and withing a short space of time I had 8 different flavors ready to be devoured by 20 ravenous 8 year olds.
    Thank you so much. By the way, nothing remained after the party so it must have been good.

  2. Yes, it’s the same brand i have. I found these, but haven’t tried them yet, if it can help you, the first one i have been in contact with the seller and the company, that produces it, they say it should be tasteless, the second one i maybe think is good, i think it is made for professionals, when i checke it out one the producers site:


    1. I also use a Soy based lecithin from Special Ingredients Ltd. I have stopped using it as I think it has a too powerful taste.
      I will be looking for some other brand.

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