Relase notes for V3.08 and newer has been moved here
Next version
Ver 3.07 (September 07 2023)
– Weight slider now returns to center after change.
– Updated Wizard with Vegan option…still in “trial mode”.
– Minor bug fixes.
– Added Category data items. These data items starts with C_. Example C_DAIRY. And will sum the weight of each ingredient with that category.
– Fixed AutoArrange panels sorting bug. Now the panels stay in position.
– Added default Font to Notes.
Ver 3.06 (July 19 2023)
– Added Vegan Base chart to the Online charts.
– Added a few new Data items.
— TSNFS – Total-Solids-Not-Fat-Sugar this is all solids that are not fat or sugar. Used in the new Vegan charts.
— Starch – Starch is defined as Carbs-Fiber-Sugar so all carbs that are not fiber or sugar. Can also be used for Vegan recipes.
– Added Brix input in the Evaporate ingredient dialog.
– The Find field in the ingredient database dialog now also looks in the Notes and not just the Name of the ingredient.
– Added a warning in the USDA dialog if the Serving size of an ingredient is not in grams.
– Added checkboxes in the Reports/Groups tab to be able to easily select what should be included in the reports.
– Added a Copy to clipboard option when Right-Clicking on a production panel.
– When adding ingredients you can now Control+DoubleClick on an ingredient to add it and first set the weight.
– Minor bug fixes.
Ver 3.05 (June 24 2023)
– Minor bug fixes
– Added a Restore backup button in settings.
– Selected row in a recipe is now slightly highlighted.
– You can now change Cost/Kg for standard ingredients in the Edit ingredient dialog and not just by using the Cost change tool.
– New! Added an advanced Evaporation calculator. Here you can calculate evaporation of a subset of the ingredients. Some are heated and affected by evaporation and some are added cold and is thus not affected.
– Change. I have changed the Edit ingredient dialog a little. In the new version Total solids is not automatically changed when you change for example Total sugars or Protein. Only Total solids, Water and Alcohol are automatically changed when one of these three are changed. Instead there will be a color indication for cells that are possibly wrong with a tooltip showing what the problem is. So, for example if Lactose>Total sugars the Total sugars will be red indicating something is wrong. The advantage of this method is that it will give the user more manual control of the data and for example Other solids can be manually set, this was not the case before. There will also be a Fix TS button that will calculate Total solids as before.
– Modified some of the glucose sugars in the standard database and adjusted the Total sugars content. The values was wrong for some of them. This does not affect the PAC and POD values only the Total sugars. In nutrition labels only mono- and disaccharides should be declared and depending on the DE all the solids should not be declared as Sugars. If you use glucose in your recipes it’s of course best to add your ingredient to the database yourself to get correct values as this can differ depending on the manufacturer.
– Updated most of the Dairy, Nut and Chocolate ingredients with better nutritional values for Saturated fat and Protein.
Ver 3.04 (June 03 2023)
– Added an adjustment of the serving temp with overrun. If you like to use this you must enable it in the settings.
– Added an “Add” button in the ingredient database dialog. This is a nice feature as you can add multiple ingredients to your recipe without closing the dialog.
– Added a few new buttons to the Produce dialog to produce a multiple of the current weight. x1, x2, x3 etc…
– Warning if a recipe name already exists when saving a recipe.
– Reorder the recipe tabs with drag and drop
– Fixed bug in rescale dialog
– Double clicking ingredient name in a recipe will open the Edit ingredient dialog (as before). Control+Double Click will open the Weight dialog.
– Fixed some bugs with the TAGS system.
– Removed Locked warnings when you edit recipes in the recipe database dialog. Warnings only come up in the main dialog.
– Some minor bug fixes
Ver 3.03 (May 14 2023)
– Added a LOCKED flag to recipes. If this flag is set for a recipe you will get two warnings when saving the recipe. This is to avoid saving a recipe by mistake that you know is correctly balanced. In the settings there is also a flag if this warning should be used or not.
– Added a properties dialog to recipes and added bar-code and qr-code support.
– The Tags button in the main dialog is replaced by a Properties button and will open the recipe properties dialog.
– Changed the Rescale dialog to also handle scaling (or limiting) calculations. This is when you need to limit the recipe to one ingredient.
– Also, replaced the drop-down “…” button for ingredients. It will now open a dialog box where you can change the weight in different ways. This dialog also opens when double-clicking the ingredient name.
– In the Production planning dialog you can now drag-and-drop the panels to change order and day for a recipe. There is also a button to set all recipes for one day as produced. And there is a Print button that will print a production/job report for all recipes that day.
– Changed the Energy calculation. The calculation of energy is now performed using the EU method. The problem is that different countries has different legal ways of calculating energy for an ingredient. And most countries has multiple ways you can do this. Therefore I have adapted one of the EU methods of calculating energy. So, note that if you know the Energy when adding your own ingredient you should use that value to get correct nutrient labels.
— KCAL = CarbsEU*4 + Protein*4 + Fat*9 + Alcohol*7 + Fiber*2 + Polyols*2.4.
– Added some more data to the Data items to make the list more complete. (Sodium, Cholesterol, VitaminD etc…)
– Added Sodium to the Nutrients dialog.
– The Quick print button now remembers the last selected printer.
Ver 3.02 (April 27 2023)
– Added an Auto button for the charts. Pressing this button will analyze the recipe and automatically select the best chart from the list.
– In the Edit data dialog I added a Current min/max button. Pressing this button will set the min max range to the current value +/- 5%.
– Fixed a bug with the notes. When typing directly in the notes the text is not saved. You had to use the editor.
– New! For new installations the program comes with a few sample recipes in the recipe database.
Ver 3.01 (April 15 2023)
– Added back the “Rescale” button in the main grid. This had been moved to the More… button but I’m putting it back as before. It will also automatically set the locked checkbox to the locked ingredients in the grid (the red box). So, if you change the total weight in the main dialog all ingredients get scaled but if you use the Rescale button you can rescale with the locked ingredients.
– Undo/Redo now also works when adding, replacing and removing ingredients.
– Separated the Inventory feature into it’s own dialog box instead of having it in the Production planning dialog.
– Some bug fixes in the Stock taking dialog.
– Added back PAC and POD quick adjust buttons
Ver 3.00 (April 01 2023)
– NEW!
Changed the design of the main window to make it easier to modify weights and balance.
The balancing is now performed using the charts and panels and is done in the main window directly.
An online Chart database where you can download more specific charts.
Slider to change weight and weight% of an ingredient.
Min/Max ranges on ingredients that is used when balancing.
Lock ingredient when balancing.
Redesigned the “Label” dialog and renamed to Reports.
A lot of other minor changes and bug fixes as well.
Ver 2.15 (February 03 2023)
– NEW! Added translation support for local ingredients in the ingredient database dialog.
– NEW! Added a language selection in the Labels dialog to select the language used to translate ingredient names. This allows you to generate reports in different languages without changing the language of the whole application (and restarting the calculator).
– NEW! Added bulk cost change. In the ingredients dialog there is a Cost button to change the cost of ingredients in a grid.
– NEW! Using the bulk cost tool you can also set the cost of the standard ingredients.
– NEW! You can now add ingredients to a favorites list. A new checkbox in the ingredient dialog. Just right-click on the ingredient name to add/remove.
– Changed how Double+Click works in the Weight cell. Before the Volume converter dialog was displayed when double clicking in the weight cell. This is somewhat annoying as it pops up sometimes when you don’t want to. SO, I have changed to CTRL+Double Click to bring up the Volume dialog.
– Changed the rescale ratios button now has a single mode as well. This means changing the slider will not change the other sliders.
–NEW! Control+Click on the ingredient name to bring up a slider to change the weight of an ingredient.
–NEW! In all edits you can now type in simple formulas using *+-/(). For example you have an edit with the value 137.97 and would like to make it 40% bigger, just type in 137.97*1.4.
– NEW! Added a Formula to the ingredients. For each ingredient you can type in a formula and show in the recipe grid. For example you might type in Weight*2 to get the Formula field to show the doubled ingredient weight.
– All edits now support both . (dot) and , (comma) as decimal separator.
Ver 2.14 (January 18 2023)
– NEW! You can now place all data in the same folder as the executable. This enables you to for example place the software on an USB stick and move it to another computer. There is a new checkbox in the Settings dialog for this. Remember that you probably have to manually copy the software from C:\Program Files (x86)\Ice cream calculator\ to a new folder where you have full read and write permission before enabling this feature.
– Minor bug fixes
– Added a way to insert the chart as an image in a Word document in the Label dialog. Set the image name to CHART and it will be replaced by an image of the recipe chart.
– Added decimal separator setting to label document generation. You can set the decimal separator in the label settings dialog.
– Added an import template button when adding a template in the Label dialog. This will make it easier to import templates from others. No need to manually copy the file to the correct location.
– Changed the <TOTAL-SUGAR> tag in the Label dialog and added <TOTAL-SUGAR-LABEL>. Before the <TOTAL-SUGAR> tag used the Nutrient label sugar data from the ingredients. The change is that <TOTAL-SUGAR-LABEL> will use the Nutrient label sugar and <TOTAL-SUGAR> will instead use the Total sugars data in the ingredients. The reason is that many users have not filled in the ingredient data correctly. The only time you need to worry about this is if you need to make correct nutrition labels and are using sugars like Maltodextrin. Maltodextrin does not have to be reported as a sugar in the nutrition label.
Ver 2.13 (January 04 2023)
– Minor bug fixes.
– Fixed bugs in Rescale dialog. Undo/Redo and Save/Save as now works after Rescale.
– Added a setting for the Nutrient info weight. Default is per 100 g as before but this can be changed in the settings.
– Added another Round weights button. This button will round all weights >10g to the closest integer.
– Added Excel and CSV export in the Freezing Curves dialog.
– Added checkboxes to turn on/off the different curves in the Freezing Curves dialog.
– Fixed bug with Revision handling. To fix: I added an option in the dropdown to fix the revision indexes. So, open a recipe where the revision indexes are wrong. Right click the tab. Select Revision/[Fix revision indexes]. This will reassign the correct revision indexes based on creation date of the recipes.
– NEW! Added a stabilizer handling dialog. Here you can modify the weights and ratios if using multiple stabilizers.
– NEW! Ok I added back the old Share dialog where you can save and load recipes from an online database. I renamed this feature “Online recipes”. I unfortunately messed up when doing this so none of the old recipes are available. This feature is available under the Tools button dropdown.
– Fixed a few things in the Label system.
—Generation of documents is now MUCH faster.
—Decimal separator is now . or , depending on culture.
—Fixed nr of decimals for some values.
—Highlight BOLD now works in the Word documents as well.
—Allergy “traces of” are not displayed if the are also in “allergy contains” or if an ingredient has the same name.
Ver 2.12 (December 15 2022)
– Changes to the batch number handling
– Added an info field to the purchased product items
– Added <R.Info> tag to the label dialog. This will set the RCPX info as a tag that can be used in the reports.
– NEW! Added a Chart button to the Balance dialog. This will set the targets to the current chart. All chart data that has a min and max target range will be added to the balancing targets.
– NEW! When changing recipe weight the weight of the Add-Ins are also changed.
– Fixed bug with custom weights in Production process dialog.
Ver 2.11 (November 21 2022)
– Fixed some bugs in the rescale dialog. The dialog could hang and you could get negative weights in some cases.
– Added visual indicator in the chart for min/max range.
– Some minor user interface changes.
– NEW! Added a Compare Chart button. This will show a chart with all open recipes to compare them. Also renamed View data to Compare data.
– NEW! Production Process. A new dialog to use when you make your ice cream.
– Added an Auto Arrange Panels setting. The panels will always be auto arranged if this setting is activated.
– NEW! Batch numbers. When using recipe groups in the Label dialog a batch number can be generated and used when generating documents using the tag <BATCHNR>. These batchnumbers can later be used to load the exact recipe groups used.
– NEW! Tracking. In the inventory you can now track what recipes are made using a specific product purchase. This is for food safety reasons to be able to track recipes produced with a certain product.
– Fixed a bug with the charts. All x-axis texts was not always shown if too much data was added.
– Added a scale factor in charts. This means you can scale the value to fit the chart better. Good for PAC,POD, stabilizers etc…
Ver 2.10 (November 10 2022)
– Fixed bugs with Save as.
– NEW! Changed how the recipe and chart area auto-sizes. There is now a splitter for manual control and an Autosize setting in the settings dialog. The old Max rows setting is removed. The splitter is color coded as Green for autosize, Blue for fixed size and it is Red if the whole recipe is not visible.
– Some minor changes in the user interface.
– Added a vertical scrollbar to the charts/panels part of the window, this will allow you to scroll if you are working on a smaller screen.
– Minor bug fixes.
– The View button will now display and compare all open recipes and the compare recipe if active.
– Fixed bug with Cost/Kg data. It did not account for evaporation
– Added Cost/Kg to Recipe database list
– Export to Excel in Recipe database now also includes a summary page of all recipes with the fields shown in the grid.
Ver 2.09 (October 27 2022)
– Fixed some minor bugs.
– Added a red dot to the SavePanels button when the panels needs saving.
– NEW! Added revision handling for recipes. Instead of making copies of your recipe when tweaking and testing different variants you can now create a new revision instead. This will let you keep a history of the recipe and will not fill up the database with multiple copies of the same recipe.
– NEW! Added the possibility to Save and Load groups of recipes. Located in the Recent recipes dialog.
– Changed the way you customize the columns in the main Recipe table and Ingredients table.
– Changed the Layout handling. You can now Save/Load custom layouts as well as the Default and Simple layouts.
– NEW! Added an Export to Excel button in the Recipes database dialog. Exports ingredients and allergens as well.
– Added one extra checkbox “Other” to the Allergens classification.
– In the nutrient dialog I have added a selection if you enter CarbsUS or CarbsEU. In the old version you always had to add carbs in the US system and this gets cumbersome if you live in Europe. The US carbs includes fiber and the EU carbs does not include fiber. So now it will be easier to add new ingredients for people in the EU.
– NEW! Add-ins can now be used in the Label dialog to create correct nutrient labels and ingredient lists. The Label dialog has also been redesigned. Note! The add-ins in old recipes has to be replaced using the + button for this feature to work fully.
– NEW! In the Ingredient database dialog you can now track what recipes and rcpx an ingredient is part of. You can also replace this ingredient for all recipes it is part of.
– Fixed sorting issues in the ingredient database dialog.
– All Excel exports now creates proper XLSX files instead of CSV files. (CSV export is still available)
Ver 2.08 (October 13 2022)
– Added new data tag “Evaporated water”. This is the weight of the evaporated water. You can use this if you have a recipe balanced for zero evaporation but then decides to cook it in a pot, then after cooking you can add back this amount of water.
– Fixed a bug copying a recipe, the rating was not copied.
– NEW! Added an Ice Cream Wizard. This dialog has 20 different flavors that you can use to auto generate Gelato, Ice cream or Custard recipes from. You can also manually tweak settings if you like. You also can select from different milk and cream combinations and you can select Dextrose or Glucose syrup as your secondary sugar.
– NEW! Added two Layout buttons. Simple and Default. Pressing the Simple Layout button will show a simplified layout with only the most important data visible, good for beginners. Pressing the Default Layout will show the normal layout.
– Changed the logic of the Panels and how they are saved. Also added the possibility to Insert a saved panel layout without removing existing panels.
Ver 2.07 (September 28 2022)
– NEW! It is now possible to change the location of the DATA folder where all the recipes and ingredients etc are saved. This means if you have multiple computers in the same network they can use the same recipes and ingredient databases by locating the DATA folder on a network drive accessible from both computers. Note! You should however not use both computers at the same time, this is because some settings are saved when the calculator is closing, meaning the last computer to close the calculator will overwrite these settings.
– The Ingredient list is now automatically sorted on the most used ingredients. It will start logging when this version is installed so it will take some time before you notice this.
– Some minor bug fixes.
Ver 2.06 (September 13 2022)
– NEW! Added a Caramel calculator. When cooking caramel some ingredients are cooked and others are added after cooking. This calculator lets you select the caramel ingredients that are cooked and the temperature and calculates the evaporation for the full recipe.
– NEW! Added an Interpolate dialog under Tools. Here you can select two recipes and interpolate the ingredients creating a new recipe that is a mix between the two.
– NEW! Rescale using a ratio. By selecting ingredients you can use sliders to change the weights. The charts and data are updated in real time. You can for example select your milk and cream and see how changing the ratio between them changes the recipe.
– Added a Reload option when right-clicking a tab. This allows you to reload the recipe from the database.
– Multiple minor bug fixes.
– NEW! Ingredient weights can now be used in the LUA script. The synax is “I_nnn” where nnn is the name of the ingredient. This allows you to create Data tags for certain ingredients. For example Dextrose as a percentage of TotalSugar.
– Fixed some bugs in the Label dialog. The Info button showed totally wrong percentages. When using recipe groups the system did not account for evaporation in the nutrient calculations. The KJ and kcal did not account for evaporation.
– The label form now remember its size and the recipe group rows are color coded.
– You can now create a recipe group from all recipes in the tabs. This command is in the Tools dropdown.
Ver 2.05 (August 25 2022)
– NEW! Automatic backups. Every time you start the calculator a backup is created in a backups sub-folder to your data folder. Only one backup per day and a total of 14 backups are saved. This can be disabled in the Settings.
– NEW! Opening up for all data items in the charts. You can now add all data items in the charts and not just a selected subset.
– Fixed bug with alcohol and total solids/water when importing from the USDA database.
– NEW! Working on a stocktaking system and inventory. If you have a small business you will be able to keep track of your stock and all your purchases and make stocktaking and stock valuations. Supports barcode scanners and will use the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) stocktaking method. You will be able to set minimum levels to get alerts if a product is low in stock.
– Fixed bug with Alcohol vol% (ABV). The calculation used the Mix volume and not the ice cream volume.
– Added a rescale recipe button to reach a certain ice cream volume.
Ver 2.04 (July 04 2022)
– Fixed bug with the Rescale dialog hanging when clicking in the ingredient name cells.
– NEW! Added six user defined values to the ingredients. This enables you to add properties to the ingredients that is not otherwise included. For example you can add Milk protein, Starch etc…
– FIXED! Alcohol was counted as a solid. This is now changed and alcohol is NOT counted as a solid. All ingredients in the standard database with alcohol will be updated. So, Total Solids = 100-Water-Alcohol and Water=100-Total solids-Alcohol. Thanks to Christine L for pointing this out! For local database ingredients you will have to edit any ingredient with alcohol to update the water and total solids.
Ver 2.03 (May 31 2022)
– Added a Baker’s Percentage calculator. You find this under the Tools button drop down.
– Also added a B% to show the baker’s percentage in the recipe table. The first ingredient is the reference ingredient (100%).
– Added a generic Base 50 ingredient to the standard database. If working with bases you can use this as an approximation of a Base 50. It is created from SMP, Dextrose, Emulsifier and Stabilizer. A Base 50 is usually a blend of skim milk powder, dextrose, emulsifiers and stabilizers (and flavors) . The exact composition is usually impossible to know and the companies that make them will not reveal the exact ratios of ingredients. A Base 50 is used at 50g per Kg.
– Fixed some bugs in the Balance tool and made some improvements when setting min/max ranges.
Ver 2.02 (April 27 2022)
– Added up to three custom recipe weights that can be used when Printing, PDF export and Labels reports. You can for example show the ingredient weights for a 1Kg, 5Kg and 10Kg recipe. This setting is available in the Print dialog.
– Minor bug fixes and small changes.
– NEW! Added a Rounding button to round off the weights to nice even numbers. This is done somewhat intelligently depending on weight. When doing this the Compare button will be activated so you can see how much the rounding affects the recipe.
– Improvements in the Nutrient input, the used Serving size is now saved so if you open the nutrient dialog again the original serving size will be displayed and not 100g as before.
– Added Alcohol vol% to the data items. Note! This value is dependent on the overrun and actual volume of ice cream, so if the overrun is not correctly set this value is not correct either.
– Added Mix volume and ice cream volume to the Overrun dialog. This makes all relevant info available.
Ver 2.01 (April 01 2022)
– BUGFIX! There was a missing DLL file in the last version that could make the program not start at all.
Sorry for this! You can download this version and install to fix this problem.
Ver 2.00 (April 01 2022)
– Fixed a few minor bugs.
– Added save as PDF.
– Moved some commands to a Tools button (Print, PDF, Excel, CSV, YAML, Append recipe, Calculator).
– Small redesign of the main dialog user interface. (Button icons and placement of buttons etc…)
– NEW! Production planning. Added a simple production planning module. You can add recipes to a calendar and get a summation of how much of each ingredient is needed. Calculates ingredient weights and costs. You can filter the selection to calculate for specific days.
– NEW! Major update on recipe handling. Recipes are now saved in a local database (SQLITE) instead of on file. This will greatly help in keeping track of recipes and sorting searching etc… However when you run this version the first time you will have to import all your recipes to the database to be able to open them. Just click the Open button in the main dialog to open the recipe database. In the recipe database dialog press the Import button to import your recipe files. You will still be able to export recipes to file as well if you need to share recipes with someone else but the only way to open a recipe is to first import it to the database.
– NEW! Removed the Share button. This is a rarely used feature and I have decided to remove it. If you have recipes in there that you like to get access to please let me know and I will help.
– NEW! Added #Tags to recipes. You can tag your recipe with any number of tags you like. These tags can then be used for searching/filtering in the recipe database. (You can for example create a Vegan tag and a Custard tag or whatever you like).
– Improved Recipe Groups handling. Recipe groups are usually used with the label system. A recipe group is a recipe with multiple sub-recipes with specific weights.- If you have your own recipes in the New dialog you have to add them again.
– Added a button to calculate evaporation by entering final water percentage.
– NEW! New feature to add user defined “link buttons”. (Can link to documents or web pages for example)
Ver 1.34 (Mars 08 2022)
– NEW! Added buttons to make small adjustments to Total Fat, Total Solids, PAC and POD. This makes it easier to fine tune a recipe without using the full balance tool. These small adjustments are only applied to ingredients flagged with “Use for automatic balancing” in the ingredient dialog. All standard database ingredients have been updated (mainly dairy and sugars). If you use your own ingredients you will have to set this checkbox for the ingredients you want to be able to adjust.
– Added a few alcohol ingredients and Sodium Caseinate.
– Improved the Alcohol button in the ingredient dialog.
– Simplified the Ingredient dialog. Moved some data to it’s own panel and now by default only show the most common data needed.
– Changed the Ice cream chart
– Changed the default Recipe table. It now shows less info, the most important data needed.
– A Compare button in the ingredient database dialog. This button will only show the selected ingredients. If you multi-select ingredients and press the compare button, only the selected ingredients will show in the list. This makes it easier to compare ingredients.
– Updated Evaporate ingredient with a checkbox to use the new weight instead of the original weight when pressing OK.
– Added an Ice% curve to the Freezing Curve dialog. This shows the amount of ice in relation to total weight of ice cream. This curve is common in other calculators.
Ver 1.33 (February 13 2022)
– NEW! Added an advanced method to add different chocolates to the ingredient database. In the ingredient dialog there is a Chocolate button that brings up the Chocolate calculator. By entering the Ingredient list, nutrient values , Cocoa%, Cocoa fat% and Milk fat% you can accurately calculate and import the chocolate with correct data for PAC, POD, HF, MSNF etc… This will work for Dark chocolate, Milk chocolate and White chocolate. I will also try to add the most common chocolates from Callebaut, Varhona, Cocoa Barry and Felchlin to the standard database. I will also try to make a post on how to use this tool.
– Added data “Lactose concentration”. There is already a Lactose/Water data that is calculated as Lactose/Water. This is not exactly the same as the concentration of lactose in the water. The new data item is calculated as Lactose/(Water+Lactose). This will give the concentration of lactose and not just the percentage of lactose compared to water. The unit is %(w/w), mass percentage of the solute in solution. Lactose concentration should usually be maximum <11%.
– Added new data item GPSolids. GPSolids can be used for the viscosity in Ganache production. It is calculated as 100-(TotalFat+TotalSugars+Water+Alcohol)
– Added two buttons to the Panel area. You can now auto arrange and separate overlapping panels with these buttons.
– NEW! You can now attach files to your ingredients. This can be used to for example attach a technical data sheet to an ingredient.
– Added a volume to weight re-scale button. This means you can enter the volume of the mix and the weight will be adjusted accordingly.
– NEW! In the panels area you can now also add small charts to show relations between multiple data items.
– Fixed bug with caching of the standard database. The standard database should have been saved locally to make it possible to work without internet connection. This local caching was not working correctly.
– Fixed BUG when trying to customize the recipe table or database table when the calculator was translated to another language. This caused a crash when customizing the tables.
– Added IPAC, IPOD and IHF to the recipe columns. These values shows the absolute PAC,POD and HF for each ingredient before dividing with weight. Some other calculators and gelato courses uses this method and you can add these to the recipe table to be able to compare with other systems or spreadsheets. So, if a recipe has Sucrose 150g the IPAC will be 150 regardless of the total weight of the recipe. The normal PAC will be scaled by weight. So, this might be useful if you start using the calculator but are used to another method of listing the ingredients.
Ver 1.32 (January 26 2022)
– Added Emulsifier to ingredient data. Now stabilizers and emulsifiers are separated. Please update any user ingredients. The standard database will be updated when this version is released. (Mainly Lecithin). If you have added stabilizer blends that contain both stabilizers and emulsifiers you can update them if you like. If unknown you can assume a blend has 40% stabilizer and 60% emulsifier.
– More improvements in the Balancing. Found a few cases that the automatic function did not work but where you could manually balance it. Now the automatic handles these cases as well. NOTE! If you find examples where the Calculate button does not find a solution but where you can manually fix it please let me know.
– Added Gelato serving temp and settings for that.
– Removed the trackbar below the freezing curve. It was probably confusing if you do not know exactly how everything works.
– Now displays estimated serving temps for both ice cream and gelato. Ice cream is set to 75%FW and Gelato to 69%FW as defaults.
– Updated the Gelato balance profile.
– Made some tweaks to the standard recipes. And renamed some of them.
– Added Gelato white base and Gelato yellow base to standard recipes.
– Added Latte interno to the database. This is the Italian 3.6% milk.
– Added Xylitol, Stevia and Allulose to the database.
– Added Almond milk and Cashew milk to the database.
– Some minor bug fixes
Ver 1.31 (January 20 2022)
– Added total weight to the recipe group editor dialog.
– Added Chocolate to the standard recipes.
– Improved the Balance function.
—- New improved algorithm
—- You can now set a Target range for your target data instead of just a single value.
—- Automatically sets the Fixed checkbox for Egg category ingredients. Some people forget to check this checkbox for egg yolks.
—- Added a Increase/Decrease buttons after each ingredient to be able to manually modify the result of the balancing.
—– Added a Chocolate (ice cream) profile to the balancing templates.
– Added an Export button. Here you can export the recipe to different file formats. For now I have only added YAML files that you can import to the recipe software Paprika. But more file formats will follow.
Ver 1.30 (January 08 2022)
– Added Copy tab to recipe tabs. You can now copy a recipe to a new tab.
– Added Rename to recipe tabs. An unsaved recipe can now be renamed.
– Added multi select to Open recipe.
– Added Cancel when closing a TAB or closing the calculator.
Ver 1.29 (December 27 2021)
– Fixed bug with Hide Freezing Curve.
– Fixed bug from V1.28 in Notes, there was a missing file in the installation.
– Fixed bug with user template recipes. They could be overwritten if saved by mistake.
Ver 1.28 (December 26 2021)
– Fixed bug in the Notes editor. It crashed when typing the ” character.
Ver 1.27 (December 09 2021)
– You can now select what type of Freezing curve to use. You can select the old standard regression method curve or the Tchigeov curve that is popular in other calculators. You can change the curve in the Settings.
– Made some improvement in Labels and the RCPX system. You can now add sub-groups of RCPX folders. Also added a note to each RCPX group.
– Export to Excel can now optionally save to a file instead.
– Added a chart to the Balance dialog. This way you can see changes for other parameters without leaving the balance tool.
– Added PINT UK and QUART UK to volume conversion tool. Also rename PINT to PINT US and QUART to QUART US.
– Added some tools to handle “undefined” water in the USDA dialog and the Nutrient input dialog. In the USDA dialog some ingredients does not define the amount of water so it has to be calculated. In the nutrient dialog water is also calculated. The problem is that when summing total fat, protein, sugars etc from the nutrient data this sums up to the total solids and the rest is assumed to be water. This is not always true so I have added the possibility to set the water in both these dialogs if needed. One good example is skim milk powder that usually calculates to about 12% water when using the nutrient label input. In reality the water is only about 2%. This can of course be adjusted in the actual ingredient dialog but some calculations (MSNF for example) benefits from knowing the water from the beginning.
– Added some clarification in the Ingredient dialog and the Nutrients dialog about Carbohydrates. Carbs EU is also displayed as information. Carbohydrates in the US and Canada includes Dietary fiber and in the EU it does not include fiber. So, the Total carbohydrates are different in the nutrition labeling. The calculator needs the carbohydrates to be input using the US method including fibers. So, when adding an ingredient from an EU label you need to add the fiber to the carbs when inputting the values in the dialog box. Hopefully this extra info will make this easier to remember.
Ver 1.26 (November 21 2021)
– Added DATE and BESTBEFORE to the Labels. And a setting in the label settings to set best before days and date format.
– Added User defined Ingredients tags to the sub-ingredients for Labeling purposes. You can now group your sub-ingredients into different tags. Can for example be used to tag Color additives as a separate group.
– Added Capital first letter for Ingredients in the Label system. This means the first letter of the ingredients list will be capitalized.
– Added a slider under the freezing curve to easily change the % for serving temp estimation.
– Minor bug fixes
– Added a Compare button to the Balance dialog to transfer data from the current compare recipe.
– New rescale function. You can now rescale the final mix weight without changing evaporation. Ex. Evap=10%, if you rescale the Final mix to 900g the Recipe weight will be rescaled to 1000g keeping the same evaporation.
– Balancing with Serving temperature now works with both C and F.
Ver 1.25 (October 31 2021)
– The calculator is now scaled with the Windows Display Scaling factor.
– Added Quart and Pint to the volume converter
– Minor bug fixes
Ver 1.24 (October 14 2021)
– Added a red dot to the Save and SaveAll buttons when a recipe needs to be saved.
– Fixed some bugs with the Panels, the automatic saving did not work properly. And now any changes you do to the panels are save and will be restored when opening the calculator next time. Also when deleting a saved panel layout there were some bugs.
Ver 1.23 (October 10 2021)
– Bug in the LUA scripting editor. The script was not save correctly so it did not work at all. Sorry for this.
– Changed to a better font in the LUA editor
– Minor bug changes
– New! You can now move and arrange the panels with the mouse.
– Removed the pos and formula from panels. If you had panels with a formula you have to use the LUA script instead. Contact me if you need help with this.
– New! Toggle Chart. You can now turn on/off the chart. If off only the panels are visible. If on it is the same as before.
–New! Added a rating system for recipes. You can rate on Overall, Texture, Body, Taste and Color.
Ver 1.22 (October 07 2021)
– Some bug fixes when using recipe groups.
– Bug fixes with duplicate ingredients in the database. This happened when you selected “Hide standard database” in the settings.
– New handling of missing ingredients. When you open a RCP file that has ingredients that no longer exists in the database they were previously automatically added to your user database. The new functionality is that these ingredients are marked with a red color and you have to manually add them to the database by editing them and saving. This is to avoid getting old ingredients added to the database.
– Added a new button in the database dialog to find recipe groups containing a specific ingredient.
– Open and New now opens the recipe in a new TAB instead of replacing the recipe in the current TAB.
– Fixed bug with CTRL+W when closing the last TAB.
– Added ChartName to data.
– New feature. Evaporate single ingredient. For example if you roast strawberries you can add Strawberry to the recipe and press the Evaporate button. Now you can set the evaporation % and/or start-weight, end-weight and a new “Evaporated” ingredient is created. The alternative was before to create a recipe of a single ingredient, setting the evaporation and saving as an ingredient. The new method is easier and the ingredient is not added to the database (optional).
– New feature. LUA scripting. You can now write a script to create your own data tags. This will replace the Panel formulas and is much more powerful and flexible. The scripted data tags will be available for the panels and for printing. Scripting is enabled in the Settings dialog. There is a checkbox to enable the script and to the right of that checkbox is an edit button to edit the script and a debug button to check if the script is valid. When editing a small editor is opened with a dropdown list to help getting the data items in LUA syntax.
—- There are three functions in LUA you can use to get and set data.
—- DGet(name)
—- Returns the value of a data item. The data items can be found in the dropdown list in the editor. Selecting an item in the dropdown will insert a DGet statement at the current cursor position in the editor. You can also write manually but be sure to spell the name correctly. Example code: totsugar = DGet(“Total sugars”);
—- DSet(name,val,dec,postfix)
—- This is how you create a new data item.
—- name – The name of the new item (must be unique!)
—- val – The value of the new item
—- dec – Number of decimals
—- postfix – Text added after the value
—- Exampel: DSet(“New data item”,45,2,” %”) This will be displayed as ‘45.00 %’
—- DSet2(name,val,display)
—- You can also create a new data item with your own display text.
—- name – The name of the new item (must be unique!)
—- val – The value of the new item
—- display – The text to show
—- Exampel DSet2(“Hello”,0,”World”) This will simply display ‘World’
—- This makes it possible to do something like this: LUA CODE
ts = DGet(“Total sugars”);
if ts<10 then
DSet2(“TSMSG”,ts,”Very low”);
elseif ts<15 then
DSet2(“TSMSG”,ts,”Slighlty low”);
elseif ts<20 then
elseif ts<25 then
DSet2(“TSMSG”,ts,”Slightly high”);
DSet2(“TSMSG”,ts,”Too high”);
Ver 1.21 (September 28 2021)
– Label button did not work if you did not have saved templates. And new local templates could not be added. Sorry, not enough testing on my side!
– The setting “Gram per mL” in the ingredient now works with the volume conversion tool. This means that if you set this value>0 the volume converter tool can use this setting to convert between volume and weight. I will start updating the standard database and add this for selected ingredients.
– Added a calculator in the ingredient dialog to calculate the “Gram per mL”.
Ver 1.20 (September 26 2021)
– Sorry, there were some missing DLLs in the last version.
Ver 1.19 (September 26 2021)
– Several minor bug fixes
– Added formula support to the PANELS. You can now write simple formulas as data in the panels. You can use +,-,*,/,(). This will enable you to create new panels with combination of data to create new information. If using data with a / in the name you have to put it inside parentheses. Examples. Total fat+MSNF could be a new tag that adds Total fat and MSNF. I will do some more work on this but you can start testing!
– Redesigned the Label dialog. You can now use DOCX or RTF (based on the internal editor with extension .LBL). The internal editor is moved to its own dialog to make everything more streamlined.
– The redesigned Label dialog can now generate reports using Word. It supports many more TAGS and can expand tables. I will try to make a tutorial on this as it opens up a lot of possibilities to create reports, recipe cards, production planning etc… Contact me if you need help creating templates and info on how it works. Checkout this short movie for an introduction.
Ver 1.18 (September 08 2021)
– Changed Invert sugar PAC and POD to PAC=150 POD=100
– Fixed bug when changing a standard ingredient and making a copy.
– Some small changes in the Label dialog. Ingredients with empty sub-ingredients are automatically added now with the ingredient name.
Ver 1.17 (September 03 2021)
– Small bug fixes. Double click in the balance dialog did not work.
Ver 1.16 (September 02 2021)
– New balance method. Fixed so you can balance for Serving temp as well!!! Also did some fine tuning, it’s a balance between speed and accuracy but I think the current settings will get good results quickly.
– Updated documentation.
– Added Select printer to Quick print.
– Made the panels smaller and added logic to resize depending on text length.
Ver 1.15 (August 30 2021)
– Re-balanced and updated the Custard base and Soft base in the New dialog.
– More translation updates.
– Fixed error message when printing.
– Better logic when using the USDA dialog for calculating POD for dairy products. Most ingredients in the USDA database only report total sugars so to calculate POD the total sugar is assumed to be Sucrose. The change now is that if the radio button Dairy is checked then Lactose is used instead and a more accurate POD value is calculated.
– NEW! Balancing tool. Old balancing replaced. The new balancing is much better and more general.
Ver 1.14 (August 24 2021)
– Translation updates
Ver 1.13 (August 19 2021)
– Translation support. You can now translate the calculator to any language. Contact me if you would like to contribute.
– Added German documentation on the website. Thanks to Stefan Schneider for doing a fantastic job!
– Fixed bug in the USDA dialog. If pressing OK when no item was selected in the list the program crashed.
Ver 1.11 (July 10 2021)
– Added Undo/Redo to the main recipe page. Undo and Redo is based on ingredient weights and not stuff like chart changes.
– Added a couple of standard short keys. Undo Ctrl+Z, Redo Ctrl+Y, New Ctrl+N, Open Ctrl+O, Print Ctrl+P, Close tab Ctrl+W, Save Ctrl+S.
– Let me know if anyone needs some other short-keys!
– Fixed a few minor bugs
– A little better control when a recipe needs to be saved.
Ver 1.10 (July 06 2021)
– Released a Tutorial on how to add ingredients.
– Updates to the USDA dialog. Added Brand name to be able to filter by Brand. Add FDCID to be able to enter the food item ID directly. This is useful if using the USDA website to do your search (better search methods on the website) then you can just input the FDCID.
– I have to change COCOA SOLIDS. Today the TotalSolids is the sum of TotalFat, TotalSugars, OtherSolids, Stabilizers, Salt, Alcohol, Protein and Cocoa solids. The problem is that CocoaSolids may contain for example Protein so Protein will be added twice making the TotalSolids wrong. The change will be to exclude CocoaSolids from the automatic calculation of totalsolids.
Ver 1.9 (June 22 2021)
– Added one more method to the overrun calculation dialog box.
– Added user profiles that can be stored in each recipe. The user profile will save the CHART, PANELS, DATA and the overrun and % for serving temp in the settings. This means that if you save a profile to a recipe when you switch to that tab or open that recipe the chart, panels and data will change.
– Fixed some bugs in the Label dialog.
– Also now the latest recipe file is correctly loaded and set if Load Last Recipe is checked in the settings. Before only the ingredients was loaded and not the actual recipe.
Ver 1.8 (June 14 2021)
– Fixed a bug when editing an ingredient from the recipe list. The weight of the edited ingredient was set to 0.0 after editing. Sorry about that. Should work now.
– Added a View compare button. When comparing recipes you can now press a button and list all ingredients and data from the two recipes.
Ver 1.7 (June 13 2021)
– ALCOHOL. Ok since the calculator works with weights we need to specify the alcohol as weight% and not as volume% as is normal for alcoholic beverages. So a 40% alcohol does NOT have 40% alcohol by weight. To make this easier I have added an Alcohol button in the ingredient dialog. This button will convert Alcohol from Volume% to Weight% and it also calculates the correct PAC. It also have a sugar input so you don’t have to manually add the PAC and POD from sugar. (Thanks to Silvio for pointing this out).
– SERVING TEMP. I added an alternative serving temp estimation using the table from the Corvitto book. Just select the “Serving Temp Corvitto” in the panels. This method only maps PAC to Serving temp according to the table in his book.
– When editing a standard database ingredient in a recipe you can now make a local copy. Before if you wanted to modify the ingredient you had to replace it first with a local copy. This can now be done directly when editing. You will be prompted if you want to make a local copy.
Ver 1.6 (June 09 2021)
– Important change in the ingredients. PAC should now include alcohol! In previous versions the PAC was only for the sugars in the ingredient and the freezing point from salt, alcohol and msnf was calculated separately. I have now decided that alcohol should be included in the PAC. Salt and msnf should still not be included in the PAC so pure salt should have PAC=0. But the freezing point calculations no longer calculates for alcohol so all ingredients with alcohol in them need to be updated. There are some different opinions on what the PAC for alcohol should be. Corvitto sets it to alcohol%*9 so a 40% alcohol would get PAC=360. Another value is 7.4 (using the molar mass of Ethanol) so a 40% alcohol would be 296. I will set the PAC in the online database to 7.4*Alcohol%. Then if the ingredient also have sugars this value should be added to a combined PAC. Easiest way is to open the database and sort on the alcohol column and then change the ingredients with alcohol in them. The reason I do this is because most other calculators and spreadsheets includes alcohol in the PAC so this will make it easier to import data from other systems.
– Added a message system that will pop-up when you install a new version. This enables me to inform about important changes when you update. This message will only be shown once but can be accessed from the settings dialog as well.
– Added MaxRows to the settings dialog. This controls the maximum number of rows in the ingredient list. If you have more rows a vertical scrollbar will appear. Good if you have a lower-resolution screen and want to make sure all the information at the bottom is visible.
– When saving a recipe as an ingredient you can now replace a current ingredient. If an ingredient exists with the same name you will be prompted if that ingredient should be updated. This makes it easier to change ingredients that has been created from recipes.
– Added a button to bring up the Windows calculator.
– There are some bugs with users ingredients being added to the standard database. I don’t know exactly why this happens but will do some changes in this version. Unfortunately if anyone use an older version this can happen again.
– The problem was that users could add ingredients to the standard database without setting a username. I have now fixed this. You are not supposed to be able to add ingredients to the standard database without setting an Autor/User-name.
– Fixed a bug when opening old recipes where the ingredients was no longer in the database. If this happens close the calculator and restart then open the file again. In this version this is fixed.
Ver 1.5 (June 02 2021)
– Fixed bug with PAC, POD and HF when converting a recipe to an ingredient.
– Added color coding and min/max values to chart.
– The panels can now also be saved in profiles in the same way as the chart.
– Small bug fixes
Ver 1.4 (June 01 2021)
– The Bulk Import tool needs to be added to the documentation and maybe a tutorial. Contact me if you plan to use it and I will explain how it works.
– Added back two decimal places to %FW
– The panels can now be color coded using MIN-MAX values.
Ver 1.3 (May 26 2021)
– Bulk import from Excel. You can now import ingredients from Excel.
– Fixed a bug. Mixed up OtherFat and CarbsEU in the data table.
– Fixed the program ICON, should now be visible for the executable and in the taskbar.
– Changing the ServingTemp calculations. I now take the average from the FreezingCurve and the HardnessCurve. I think this gives a better prediction of the serving temp. More work here as I am now testing all the ice cream I make and check the temp of the ice cream.
Ver 1.2 (May 20 2021)
– The program is now 64bit only! This is to make it possible to run on Mac using Wine. More info on this later. (32-bit can be provided on demand)
– Removed the Synchronization dialog as it might be a bit confusing. Now if you load an RCP file created in a previous version the ingredients will be automatically synched with the new database.
– Added a Cost tool to edit ingredient.
– Found bug in the Share dialog. Removing recipes did not work.
– Added a print button to ingredient dialog.
– Fixed bug with pressing enter in the note in the ingredient dialog.
Ver 1.1 (May 17 2021)
– Quick update as I found some problems with the balancing!!!
– Added Export to Excel in the database dialog
– Added Print in the database dialog
– Fixed some problems with the balancing tool. Took a long time sometimes.
– Also, more balance problems as the Super premium has butter fat=16 and total fat=17…Fixed in all default templates.
Ver 1.0 (May 17 2021)
– Better and more customizations possible
– Working on new and more complete documentation with samples and tutorials
– Redesigning the main window. Need more space so considering maximizing the window.
– Added Estimated Volume information
– Working on Overrun calculations and settings
– Will add nutrient info in the main dialog.
– Considering a user customizable area with data in the main dialog and not just the chart.
– When you start working on one thing sometimes you get new ideas on how to improve the software. So, I’m also redesigning how the database works and how recipes stores ingredients etc…will be much much nicer than before. You will also in this version be able to share recipes to the online database and hopefully if many of you share your ingredients the database will be much more complete.
– I’m doing large changes to the Ingredient system. New EditIngredient dialog and more data for users that sell their ice cream commercially. But also better methods to create new ingredients… All this takes some time so just be patient 🙂
– Added a new column to the table. Weight/Water.
– It now remembers if the program was maximized when starting.
– Working on a system to be able to create proper Nutrient label info and printouts as well as ingredient lists.
– Ingredient lists and nutrient labels are coming. Have been working on this for a while now and I have realized that I need to rewrite the whole ingredient system to make everything more streamlined. So, it might take some time before this is released.
Ver 0.57 (April 13 2021)
– Fixed a bug with Shared recipes!!!! You could by mistake overwrite someone else’s recipe. Sorry about this. (If you loaded a shared recipe, made changes to it and pressed save the recipe was overwritten in the database and the username was changed for that recipe)
– You can now add favorite recipes to the New dialog.
– Improvements and bug fixes in the USDA dialog. You can now also select what type of ingredient General, Dairy, Chocolate or Nuts.
Ver 0.56 (April 08 2021)
– Added tooltip to Share recipes. The tooltip will show the ingredients of the recipe.
– Fixed bug with Cacao solids in the chart. The value was totally wrong.
– Various minor bug fixes
Ver 0.55 (April 01 2021)
– Fixed bug with chart. The chart text was not displayed.Some small tweaks and improvements in the internal balancing algorithms. Should now give a little better and more even balancing.
– Fixed bug. Pressing Cancel in New dialog caused a crash.
– Added “Merge duplicate ingredients”. Sometimes you might have multiple rows in the recipe with the same ingredient. This button will merge these ingredients to one row.
– You can now associate .RCP with icecreamcalc.exe and it will open the recipe when double-clicking on a file.
– Save and Save all now also saves Share recipes to database.
– You can now right-click on chart to change chart template.
– Added Sorbet to default chart templates.
– Added a standard Sorbet to Balance targets.
– You no longer need to select milk/cream when Balancing. (Only if you press the +/- buttons in the dialog)
– Some small general bug fixes.- Fixed bug with chart. The chart text was not displayed.
Ver 0.54 (Mars 26 2021)
– Fixed bug with chart. The chart text was not displayed.
Ver 0.53 (Mars 25 2021)
– Serving temp. The Hardness Factor (HF) for the estimated serving temp can now be set in the Settings. I now also show only one value for recommended serving temp based on that HF value. Default is 75 but the user can change this. Ice cream and Gelato etc. might have different settings so this depends on the type of ice cream. This can also be used to fine tune recommended serving temp to fit more with the real world.
– Now possible to enter negative PAC and POD values. (This possibility disappeared by accident in V48).
– Updated documentation
– Added Lactose/Water to main page
– Added MSNF/Water, Lactose/Water and Stabilizers/Water to chart
– Added Cacao solids to ingredient
– Added Stabilizer/Emulsifier to ingredient
– Removed Ingredient type Egg yolk and Stabilizer. Now you only have type general and milk/cream.
– Removed egg yolk and lecithin data from tables and charts. So I no longer track the amount of egg yolk and lecithin from egg yolk.
– Main reason for these changes are that when using complex ingredients we need to be able to track the stabilizer content properly. When working with bases made up of different ingredients this info was lost.
– Cacao solids was added to give more control when making chocolate ice cream and ganache.
– If you have chocolate user ingredients you should transfer Other solids to Cacao solids if you want to be accurate.
– Total solids is now calculated as TotalFat + TotalSugar + OtherSolids +CacaoSolids+Stabilizers+ Salt + Alcohol + Protein
Ver 0.52 (Mars 18 2021)
– New feature. Added tabs to be able to have multiple recipes open at the same time.
– Added Overlay, this means the chart can show two recipes at the same time for comparison.
Ver 0.51 (Mars 13 2021)
– Fixed some bugs in the Chart Design dialog and did some redesign.
– Added Find in Share dialog
– Fixed exception bug when using recipes with no water.
– Fixed some small bugs in the Excel export.
Ver 0.50 (Mars 05 2021)
– Chart now has two standard charts to choose from with recommended values. Ice Cream and Gelato.
– More work done in the Milk/Cream dialog.
– Category can now be changed in the Edit Ingredient dialog directly.
– Selected chart name is now displayed in the chart. You can for example make different chart templates for Ice Cream, Gelato, Custard Ice Cream etc… with different recommended values. So with this change you will know what template is used. (Thanks Joakim Asklund!)
– Fixed bug in chart template dialog, templates could not be deleted.
– Added Open data folder to settings dialog. This will open the folder where icecreamcalc saves files and the user database.
– Added Protein to Balance tool. Note! Care must be taken when balancing with protein, only use it if you know what you are doing 🙂
– Fixed bug in AutoUpdate from database when multiple ingredients with the same name exists in the database.
Ver 0.49 (Mars 02 2021)
– Fixed bug with printing. (Sorry for that, working on better print possibility and forgot to remove some tests).
– More options in the Rescale dialog. Now possible to change individual weights and not just total weight.
– Chart design can now save/load user defined templates.
– Milk/Cream converter now finds replacement ingredients in database.
– Updated dextrose, honey and invert sugar PAC/POD.
Ver 0.48 (Mars 01 2021)
– Large rewrite of internal calculations.
– Added Protein to ingredient
– New design of the Edit Ingredient dialog.
– Added a few Gelato bases to Share
– Added Merge button to Share. For example first load a base the press Merge to add another recipe to you current. Ex. White Base+Cocoa Cream for a chocolate gelato. When pressing merge you also set the weight of the recipe to add.
– Update of some ingredients with protein like skim milk powder and egg yolk. Still some ingredients that is not updated for example all the chocolates and nuts.
– Probably some more changes 🙂 This release is a bit pushed because I needed to change the database with protein and lactose. And when the database was updated you need this version for it to work properly.
Ver 0.47 (February 26 2021)
– Added Lactose to the ingredients. Sugar is all sugars except lactose.
– In the default database there is the sugar Lactose. I have not changed this yet as it would not work for people with older versions. I will probably change this in the future though. So if you use lactose in your recipe you can make a copy and change the sugar to lactose to get all the data calculations correct.
– Fixed some bugs in the Balance tool.
– Added Water, Sugar and Lactose to the Balance tool.
– Now the Off checkbox is saved when you add a new user target.
– Added Cost to ingredients in the user database. Cost and total cost is also available in the lists and data tables.
– Ingredient list can be exported to Excel.
– Print design. You can now design which data is shown when printing.
– Water column has been split into two columns. Water is now the water in the ingredient and FWater is the water after evaporation. Makes it easier when exporting to Excel.
Ver 0.46 (February 21 2021)
– A larger change of the main list. You can now customize what to show in the list. The summary row has also been merged with the main list. There are a few different presets of what to show in the list.
– Better autosizing of the list and window.
– Fixed a bug with the evaporation and the water displayed for individual ingredients, The total sum was correct but the displayed value for each ingredient was wrong. (Thanks Max Rife for spotting this)
– Fixed bug with New button when resizing window
Ver 0.45 (February 18 2021)
– Some improvements in the balance tool.
– Made a Balance tutorial.
Ver 0.44 (February 17 2021)
– Added sugar to database. Table sugar, granulated sugar, or regular sugar, refers to sucrose. Sucrose is of course in the database but to make it easier for new users to find normal sugar I add “sugar” to the database. It is the same as sucrose.
– Fixed Freezing curve in F. The chart was not looking correct.
– Added SaveAs as a button again.
– Added F/C toggle on main page.
– Added customize chart. Now you can select the data shown in the chart.
Ver 0.43 (February 15 2021)
– Added freezing curve to main page as a small chart.
– Double-Click och the charts will open the detailed data and the freezing curve respectively.
– User interface updates.
– Added ml and ounce to the conversion dialog and did some redesign of the dialog box.
– Added US fl oz and UK fl oz to volume converter.
– Added a FAQ. Please let me know what more to add here!
Ver 0.41 (February 13 2021)
– Added an Update button to the Share recipe dialog
– Added Copy to clipboard in the Data dialog to copy the ingredients in plain text.
– Lactose from MSNF is now displayed in the sugar column and in the data tables (thanks to Jens Messmer).
Ver 0.40 (February 03 2021)
– OK, did a quick update here because of an annoying bug in the last version. Sorry folks!
– Updated the documentation.
– Fixed bug with Up/Down arrows in main list.
Ver 0.39 (February 02 2021)
– Introducing HF-Hardening Factor. This replaces the method of using negative PAC for chocolate and nuts categories.
– Added Cacao fat to the ingredient data. All Chocolate ingredients have been updated. If you need to change your own chocolate ingredients there is a button in the ingredient dialog that will swap the Fat with Cacao fat to make it easy to change.
– Also added two buttons to automatically calculate the HF in the ingredient dialog.
– The Cacao Fat was added mainly because the software is also used by people making pralines and ganache. In these applications it is important to know the Cacao fat content.
– The Curve dialog now shows both the % Frozen Water curve and a Hardness curve.
– All ingredients in the nuts and chocolate category have been updated with the new HF value and the negative PAC have been removed.
– User defined ingredients should preferably also be updated by the user. The HF is set to CacaoFat*0.9+Other solids*1.8 for chocolate and Other fat*1.4 for the Nuts. This follows the Corvitto book.
– Added more columns to main table. Separate columns for Butter fat, Cacao fat, Other fat and Total fat. Added HF (Hardening Factor) column.
– Main table can now be sorted by pressing the column headers.
– Added Energy calculation. This is a calculated value using the TotalFat, Sugar, Alcohol, MSNF and Other solids. (Ingredients with a high fiber content might be a bit off). The energy is shown in the Data and Print functions and in the Ingredient edit dialog.
Ver 0.37 (January 28 2021)
– I have simplified the PAC system. This means I no longer modify the PAC to handle the hardening effects of cacao fat and nut fats. I have also removed the PAC from alcohol and salt, these settings really did not say anything and the freezing point is already calculated separately for salt and alcohol. PAC is also renamed to PACse to clarify that the PAC is for the sucrose equivalent.
– When removing all PAC settings for salt and alcohol I have also removed this info from the program.
– I have added Alcohol and Salt to the main form list and to the data and print lists.
– Database is updated with the modified PACse values for all the ingredients in the nuts and chocolate categories.
– Some small improvements to the database dialog. Columns can be resized and the list can be sorted.
– Added a checkbox in settings to control autosize of ingredient list
Ver 0.36 (January 21 2021)
– Added a “What’s new” link in the Check for updates dialog.
– Various minor bug fixes
Ver 0.35 (January 13 2021)
– Fixed bug in “Save as ingredient…” The PAC and POD was 10 times to high.
Ver 0.34 (January 11 2021)
– Some small bug fixes.
– Added a new Note control. You can now add nicer text and images etc…
– Added default category in ingredient list. This is the category that will be selected as default.
– Added Normalized PAC to front page. Normalized PAC is more closely related to the hardness of the ice cream than PAC.
– Added Private/Public filter when listing the Shared recipes.
Ver 0.33 (December 31 2020)
– Added serving temp to front page. It will show the serving temp interval for 70% to 75% frozen water. I usually try to make sure -15C/5F is in this interval.
– Some minor fixes.
Ver 0.32 (December 23 2020)
– New feature! Added a SHARE function. Now you can save/load recipes from an online database. You can save your recipe in the database instead for on file. You can also decide if other users should be able to see your recipe or not. I will start putting up my own recipes here for all to checkout.
– Window now auto-size itself to automatically show all ingredients in the list.
Ver 0.31 (December 21 2020)
– Some small user interface changes.
– Added an “Add-Ins” list that is not included in the data calculations. These are ingredients that are mixed in after the ice cream has been churned.
– Added checkboxes to the balance tool to be able to exclude targets from the calculation. For example if you don’t care what the total fat will be you can exclude that from the balance calculation. Makes it more flexible when balancing.
Ver 0.30 (December 15 2020)
– Added total fat to the Balance tool.
– Fixed standard recipes. When changing dextrose in the last version the standard recipes used 100% dextrose and not 92% as is more common. This is now fixed so all standard recipes uses 92% dextrose.
Ver 0.29 (December 06 2020)
– Updated Dextrose in the standard database. The dextrose in the database is 8% water but the PAC and POD was for 100% dextrose and not 92%. So the PAC is changed from 190 to 174.8 and the POD is changed from 70 to 64.4. (Thanks Luis for spotting this)
– Fixed some other bugs related to Dextrose (and Fructose)
– Added Auto update and check for update. This means starting from this version you can automatically download and install the latest version from inside the program. If a new version is available you will get a notice when starting the program (just once!). You can also manually check for updates in the Settings dialog.
Ver 0.27 (December 03 2020)
– Fixed bug with Food Data Central. A file was missing from the installation.
– Fixed some small bugs in the FDC dialog.
– Moved the standard database online. This makes it possible to add/change ingredients without having to release a new version. There will be a cached standard database if there is no internet connection.
Ver 0.26 (November 23 2020)
– Added a “Rescale” button. I very often want to change the total weight of the recipe. The problem is that almost always I have some ingredients that are fixed, that I don’t want to change. It can be stabilizers, egg, or chocolate etc….. So when pressing rescale you can lock the weight of any ingredients and rescale the total weight.
Ver 0.25 (November 18 2020)
– Minor change to the General standard recipe.
– Made main window resizable and other small changes to the user interface.
– More work on the balance feature. Now the results are even better and more reliable even if the recipe is very unbalanced from the start.
— Also stabilizers are checked as excluded by default (you usually does not want to include them in the balancing).
— Default values are also changed to what I feel are good values.
— Added a target dropdown where you can select from different target profiles. Also Add/Remove of user target profiles. Default profiles are “Current”, “Default”, “Super premium”, “Premium” and “Gelato”
Ver 0.24 (November 16 2020)
– Added +/- buttons to increase/decrease stabilizers and keep the ratio between the stabilizers.
– Some small changes to USDA dialog. Added a “Require all words” checkbox. Added saturated fat in the info, the idea is to use this in the future for a hardening factor (not implemented yet). Also a debug file was written to c:/temp by mistake.
– Added Stabilizer/Water and MSNF/Water to the main page for quick access.
– Some minor improvements in the Balance feature. I now put more weight on the total solids and POD. I believe these are more important to get right. I might make it possible to adjust these weights from the user interface to have more control over the balance calculations. You can now also press the balance again to maybe have a different result since the process is randomized.
– Added “Auto check recipe” to settings dialog. The standard database is constantly changed and improved so when loading an old recipe from file, the ingredients might be updated compared to when the recipe was created. So, when loading a recipe file the system can compare the ingredients in the recipe with the same ingredients in the database. If any changes are found you will be prompted if you would like to update the recipe. This function is also available on a button at the top of the dialog. Turn on/off this feature in the settings.
– Added “Save as ingredient…”. Now you can save a recipe as an ingredient. For example Caramel – Sugar, Cream, Butter, Water, Salt, Evaporation -> Ingredient! So, input the individual ingredients in a recipe and calculate the evaporation then save the recipe as a new ingredient Caramel using the calculated parameters for fat, sugar, solids PAC POD etc… Can also for example be used for your own stabilizer blends etc…
Ver 0.23 (November 13 2020)
– NEW! Add ingredients from “FoodData Central” database at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They supply an API Webservice to their database with thousands of items and nutritional data. This is still a test, works fine in the developer version but not tested by users yet. Also same problem as with the Nutrient method that dairy products does not work (the MSNF etc is not filled in).
– NEW! Added a method to add ingredients using label/nutrition info. This will make it much easier to add new ingredients. Just input the portion size and then input the fat, carbs, protein, salt(sodium) and sugar. Optional is to add water, and if available many different sugars. This method will only work for ingredients of type general. This button replaces the “Add simple” and “Sugar calculator” as it does the same work as both of them. I will publish a post showing how to use this new feature.
– Updated Honey in the database. Using my new sugar calculator I can get more correct values for these items with different sugars in them. The new values are PAC=140, POD=92 and Water=17%
– Update Invert Sugar to PAC=152 and POD=98 and Sugars=82%. Invert sugar is complicated because it depends on water content and how much residual sucrose is left. These values are from a commercial brand with 18% water and 95% of the sucrose inverted to fructose and glucose.
– Added Trehalose to database. This is a sugar with PAC=100 and POD=20.
– Added Strawberry Sorbet to standard recipes.
Ver 0.22 (November 10 2020)
– Added General base to standard recipes. This is my latest and in my opinion the best base yet. It has quite a lot of ingredients and some might have to be ordered online, but it’s worth it!
– Updated the Calculations post to clarify why the lactose from milk and cream is not listed in the sugar column.
– Added Lactose, Maltose and Galactose to standard database
– Added new stabilizers. Carrageenan (Lambda, Kappa, Iota), Carboxymethyl Cellulose (also known as Tylo Powder or CMC) and Tapioca Starch.
– Added Light Corn Syrup to database.
– Added Cornstarch to volume converter
– Fixed bug with Egg Yolk in volume converter, egg yolk was not autodetected correctly.
– Some changes to volume converter. Added 1/8 in the parts dropdown. Added TBSP Australia. Clarified TBSP and TSP. Added suffixes, TBSP US, TBSP Metric and TBSP Australia, TSP US and TSP Metric. The TBSP is different between metric, US and Australia when used in cooking. TBSP in Metric is 15ml, US is 14.79ml and Australia is 20ml. TSP in metric is 5ml, US is 4.93ml and Australia is 5ml.
– Added a milk and cream selector. The Balance and Milk/Cream functions needs to know the two main milk and cream ingredients. So when using these functions a selector dialog opens where you can select these two ingredients. So, now it is possible to use these functions with for example “Double Cream” and “Whole milk”. Before you had to rename these as “Cream” and “Milk”.
Ver 0.21 (October 10 2020)
– Fixed bug with new ingredients getting the wrong category.
– Updated all the fruits with better PAC/POD values using the proper sugar types in each fruit and berries. Everything updated except Figs, Passion fruit and Grapes. I could not find the data for these and grapes come in so many types it’s impossible to find one correct value.
Ver 0.20 (September 05 2020)
– I got a comment from an anonymous user that pointed out most of the fruit ingredients have the wrong PAC/POD values. I use data from the book “il gelato senza segreti” by Angelo Corvitto, and in that book all fruits has the same PAC/POD as the sugar content. This is of course not correct because fruits have different sugars in them and not only sucrose. SO, to fix this I have added a SUGAR dialog where you can enter the amount of different sugars and get the correct PAC/POD values.
– Improvements of the BALANCE feature.
– Added lots of milk and cream ingredients. This is a total mess with milk and cream in different countries. Mostly tried to add from US and UK. Double Cream, Whipping Cream, Heavy Whipping Cream, Light Whipping Cream, Light Cream, Half and half, Whole milk US, Whole milk UK, Milk2%, Milk Low Fat.
– Added the most important data first in the DATA and PRINT dialogs. (Butter fat,Total fat,MSNF,TSNF,Total solids,POD,PAC and Freezing point.
– Added No Cook Base to standard recipes
– Added Fior di Latte Gelato to standard recipes
Ver 0.19 (August 18 2020)
– Added a standardizing method to change the fat content of cream and milk. Say you have a recipe with a certain milk and cream fat content (say 3.5% and 46%) but you only have milk and cream with 3% and 40% fat. Just run this method and type in your available cream and milk and it will recalculate the amount of milk and cream.
– Balance calculator. Set target Butterfat, MSNF, Total solids, PAC and POD. Then this function modifies the weights of the ingredients to balance the recipe. You can fix certain ingredients and set min-max ranges.
– Added a “Simple add method” in the Edit ingredient dialog box. When pressing this button you enter FAT,SUGAR and WATER. All other properties are then calculated. This can be a good start when adding a new ingredient and this data (fat,sugar,water) can usually easily be found on the nutritional label or in a nutrition database.
– Added Compare recipe. Compares two recipes data side by side.
– Had forgotten Save warning when closing program. This has now been added.
Ver 0.18 (August 13 2020)
– The Print button now also copies the HTML to the clipboard. Then you can paste it in your favourite word processor if needed.
– Added warnings if recipe needs saving.
Ver 0.17 (August 05 2020)
– Updated the ingredient database dialog. A new list with more data shown on each row
– Some performance improvements on “slow” lists.
– Categorized all standard ingredients. (How to handle saved recipes?)
– Added Skim Milk 0% fat.
– Added green color indication on the Note button if there is a notation.
– Added “Ingredient type” combo box. This can be General, Milk or cream, Stabilizer or Egg yolk.
— Did this change to be able to present the amount of egg yolks, egg yolk lecithin, stabilizers and stabilizers/water in the data tables.
Ver 0.16 (July 27 2020)
– Added a Notes button. Here you can write notes that is saved with your recipe.
– You can now scale other ingredients when changing one ingredient. Added a Weight mode selection.
– The weight mode controls how the other ingredients weights are changed
– Ingredient: The other ingredients are not changed
– Lock total weight: The other ingredients are scaled so that the total weight is the same as before
– Scale: The other ingredients are changed with the same factor as the modified ingredient. This keeps the recipe the same but scaled to the ingredient you change
– Added Almond paste, Hazelnut paste, Nougat paste, Peanut paste, Pistachio paste, Pine nut paste and Walnut paste
– Updated honey again! Honey has POD=130 and PAC=190, I see different values for honey and have decided to use the numbers from Il Gelato Senza Segreti.
– Added Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Orange, Mandarin, Banan, Pineapple, Peach, Pear, Apple, Mango, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Apricot, Passion fruit, Cherry, Blueberry, Water melon, Figs, Kiwi, Papaya and Grape
– Added Tomato, Carrot, Celery, Fennel, Cucumber and Red pepper
Ver 0.15 (July 25 2020)
– Updated PAC and POD for Honey
– Edit button now displays a simple html report with a print possibility. More work will be done here with export possibilities etc.
– You can hide the standard database of ingredients and only view user defined ingredients. You find this in the settings dialog.
– Added warning if Total solids > 100% when editing an ingredient
– Now possible to change weight by W%
– Added “Lock weight”, if checked the mix weight is fixed and the ingredient weights are scaled automatically.
– Added temperature for 75% frozen water
– Added %frozen water for -14C (6.8F) serving temp. Should be 70-75%
– Freezing curve dialog now works with fahrenheit. Also shows a table of %FW for temperature range.
Ver 0.14 (July 18 2020)
– Removed the editor. This makes the software pure .NET Any CPU. Also smaller file size.
– Will replace editor with some html or pdf export…
Ver 0.13 (July 16 2020)
– Settings dialog to select Celsius or Fahrenheit.
– Added recommended serving temp range based on 65%-70% frozen water
– Added data dialog for a more detailed data table with everything I calculate.
– Added lime juice and lemon juice to standard database.
– For the moment there is only one standard recipe.
– Changed the freezing point calculations. I now correctly (hopefully) calculate the FP. I calculate FP separately for PACse, PACsalt and PACalcohol and I now also add FP for MSNF. So, milk and cream and SMP don’t show any PACsalt but the FP for salts from MSNF is included. I also now don’t just add all the PACs and calc the FP but calc the FPs separately and sum them. This should be more accurate and correct.
Ver 0.12
– Updated info text for standard bases
– Help button now links to website
Ver 0.11
– Changed freezing point calculations. They are now more accurate. Still a simplification but should be ok/better.
– Update all chocolates in the database with better PAC/POD values
Ver 0.1
– Added freezing curve
– Added recent file list
– Updated Ingredients dialog, added more data
– Improved database and added categories and search/filter
– Added more tooltips
– Weight to volume tool…
– More nutrient info in all ingredients to be able to create proper nutrient labels…different rules for different countries.
– Maybe a Wizard to create a mix from scratch??? (With automatic balancing)
– Figure out how to add dairy products using nutrient labels.
– Add acidity to the ingredient data.
– Stabilizer blends…from dropdown?
– Export ingredients database to CSV file?
– Export freezing curve to CSV
Hi! I really aprecciate your work. I am trying to install your new version of icecreamcalc, but it is showing error when I try to iniciate. And I don’t have the oldest versions. How can I get one older version? Is it possible to send me one old version of Setup? May 3.07 or 3.06?
Yes, please email me on or use the contact form and I will help you.
I need an older version of you program. pre 1.0. because i cant import my older settings in the newer version
Hi, Sorry but I don’t have copies of pre-1.0 versions.
The software is much improved since those older versions and you should absolutely use the latest version.
The system is designed to be compatible so it should work.
If you contact me on my email and send me the c:/ProgramData/icecreamcalc folder I can help you with the settings.