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Customizing Tutorial

The calculator can be customized in multiple ways. You can and should customize it to fit your own needs. The standard is just a starting point, to take full advantage of the software you must customize it. In this tutorial I will go through all customization options and show examples of how this works.

Ingredient Table

The default columns in the main ingredient table.
You can customize this table and select what columns to show. You can also save different settings to be able to quickly switch between them. What you choose depends on what type of product you make and the level of detail you need.

To customize right-click in the table and select Customize.

On the left you can check/uncheck visible columns and on the right you set the column order. At the bottom you can save and delete profiles. Let’s create a Simple profile.
Press the + button and input Simple.

Then we check/uncheck items to get this.

You can rearrange the order of the items on the right by holding the left mouse down and drag/drop to change position.
Now press OK to use the “Simple” table.

After you have created any custom tables you can just right-click in the table to quickly change between them.

One last thing regarding the ingredient table. You can compact and/or expand the table by clicking on the Compact and Expand buttons in the top right corner of the table.

This is a compacted table.

and this is an expanded table

Database Table

The customization of the database table works in the exact same way as the ingredient table.
You right-click to select a saved table or to customize the table.


The software comes with three default charts. Ice cream, Gelato and Sorbet.

These three standard charts are very general and you should make your own charts with your own min/max ranges for the gelato or ice cream you make. You can for example make a Chocolate Ice Cream chart with settings for chocolate and a Fruit Ice Cream etc etc.

Right click in the chart and select Customize.

The three standard charts can not be modified but you can press the +(Add) button to add a new chart.
So, press the + and add a “Chocolate Ice Cream” chart.

We can now edit the chart and add/remove items and change the min/max ranges. This is an example.

Press OK to select the new chart.

You can now add charts to fit the types of ice creams/gelato you make.


All available data can not be added to the chart. Only data that is a percentage of the weight can be added to the chart. Other data like freezing point, PAC, POD, Serving temp etc. can instead be added to the panels below the chart.

Right click on a panel or in the panel area to modify the panels.

To add a panel select Add panel.

This is the dialog to add/edit a panel. You select the data to show in the panel at the top and then you can change the caption of the panel if you like.
You can set min and max ranges for the value. The panels are color coded.
Yellow- this means no min or max has been set
Green – The value is inside the min/max range
Red – The value is outside the range
If you add a min or max value the min/max will be displayed as a tool-tip on the panel when you hold the mouse over it.
The Pos is the position of the panel in the panel area.

So lets add a few panels.

After adding panels you can save the layout by selecting Customize.

Here you can add or delete panel layouts.
The saved layouts will be displayed when right-clicking the panel area.

To edit a panel you can double-click on it or right-click and select Edit.

Custom data table

So, you have the chart and the panels but you can also add even more data in the custom data table area.

This works very much like the chart and you right click to customize the data visible here.

Freezing curve/Ingredients and allergens

This area can also be customized. You can select if the “Ingredients and allergens” and “Freezing curve” should be visible. This can be changed in the Settings dialog.

You can also right click on the Freezing curve or Ingredients and allergens and select Hide.

Recipe profiles

Above the ingredient list there is a Profile button.

Pressing this button will save the current chart, panels, data table, % serving temp and % overrun to the recipe.

This means that if you for example have multiple recipes opened in different tabs the chart and panels etc… will change when switching tabs. This profile is also saved with the recipe so it will open the saved chart and panels when the recipe is opened.

You can for example have one ice cream in one tab with the ice cream chart and one gelato in a second tab with the gelato chart.

To remove the profile just click on the profile button again.


There are three settings that you need to know about and that are important when customizing the system.

Overrun for volume estimate
The software calculates an estimated density of the ice cream mix. This density is used to calculate the volume of the ice cream mix. To calculate the final ice cream volume we need to know the overrun, how much air, the ice cream will have. The overrun is impossible to know, it depends on the recipe and the ice cream machine that is used. So, to be able to give a hint of the actual ice cream volume you need to set the overrun that will be used for that calculation.
Most home ice cream makers have very low overrun 5-30%.
You can use the Overrun tool to calculate the actual overrun from a few batches of ice cream you make and use that value here if you like.
The default is 25%. If you work professionally and have a batch freezer you should enter the correct or average overrun here.

% For serving temp estimation
The software calculates a freezing curve that shows the amount of frozen water at a certain temperature. The calculated Serving temp uses this curve at a specified percentage of frozen water. The default is 75%, so at the temperature where we have 75% frozen water the ice cream is assumed to be served. This default 75% can be changed to fine tune this calculation. For example if you make Gelato you might want to lower this value to get more accurate results.

Max rows
Max rows controls the number of lines in the ingredient list before a vertical scrollbar is visible.
Depending on your screen resolution you can change this value to control the space available for the charts and panels versus the ingredient list.

7 thoughts on “Customizing Tutorial”

    1. You load the Sorbet online chart. Press the “Online charts” (database) button under the Chart selection box.

  1. Sería posible para próximas actualizaciones poder ver el PAC y el POD en % en la gráfica o existe una explicación del porqué no es posible?

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