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Cointreau Gelato

Inspired by the Gelato di crema recipe from the great Ice Cream Nation blog (you have to check it out!) I made a modified version of this orange flavoured gelato. Anders recipe calls for Grand Marnier but I didn’t have that so I used Cointreau instead. Grand Marnier is made with cognac and Cointreau is made with a clear spirit. Cointreau has a cleaner orange flavour and Grand Marnier is more complex and sweeter. I used a yellow gelato base and balanced it to have 8% total fat. Also added diced candied orange peel as an add-in. Neutral 5 stands for a stabilizer blend, I used the Cremodan 500 Cold stabilizer but you can use any stabilizer blend. And as usual if you have a different kind of milk and/or cream you can recalculate the amounts in the software or here.


Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and mix well.
Add milk, cream and egg yolks to a pan.
Add the orange zest.
Whisk in the dry ingredients.
Slowly heat to 83C/181F while stirring.
Transfer to a zip-lock bag and chill in cold/ice water.
Add the Cointreau.
Age in fridge overnight or at least four hours.
Strain and run in ice cream machine.
Optional. Mix in 2 tablespoons of finely diced candied orange peel after churning.


IngredientWeight (g)
Milk (3.0%)567.2
Cream (40.0%)89.0
Skim milk powder47.3
Egg yolk (6)100.0
Neutral 53.00
Zest of one orange


Butter fat5.3 %
Total fat8.0 %
MSNF10.0 %
TSNF30.8 %
Total solids38.8 %
Freezing point-3.3°C, 26.0°F
Weight1001.5 g
Final weight1001.5 g
Energy/100g196 kcal
Energy/100g196 kcal
Evaporation0.0 g
Evaporation %0.0 %
Cacao fat0.0 %
Other fat2.7 %
Protein5.2 %
Total sugar24.1 %
Sugar18.6 %
Lactose5.5 %
Lactose/Water8.9 %
MSNF/Water16.3 %
Other solids1.3 %
Water61.2 %
Stabilizers0.30 %
Stabilizers/Water0.49 %
Egg yolks10.0 %
Egg yolk lecithin0.9 %
Salt0.0 %
Alcohol0.2 %
PAC se278.4
PAC normalized455.0
FP SE-2.8°C, 26.9°F
FP MSNF-0.4°C, 31.3°F
FP Salt0.0°C, 32.0°F
FP Alcohol-0.1°C, 31.8°F
Frozen water @-14.0°C, 6.8°F71.3 %
Temp at HF65-11.2°C, 11.8°F
Temp at HF70-13.4°C, 7.9°F
Temp at HF75-16.2°C, 2.8°F

11 thoughts on “Cointreau Gelato”

    1. Ok, a Neutral5 is a stabiliser/emulsifier blend that is common in the Gelato industry.
      The 5 stands for that you add 5g per Kg of mix.
      I write a little about this on the Stabilizer page
      If you google Gelato Neutro5 you will find many references to products.

  1. Just bought a good thermometer (instant read). I had one that took almost 20 seconds to give an accurate read. Let me try again then.

  2. I tried making this twice… But I always got a slight eggy aftertaste… Its the only egg based I cream I ever made. Is it normal to be so?

    1. Did you follow the instructions? How do you measure the temperature of the mix? You should use a good digital thermometer. This gelato is of course egg based but it should not have an unpleasant afterteste.

    2. Jerome, preparing recipes using egg yolk skin can cause a distinctive smell in the final product. Did you use the yolk in full or did you remove the skin to use in the recipe?

      1. Camilo, I have never heard of this.
        Do you mean to remove the egg yolk skin before cooking or do you just mean to strain the mix after cooking?
        How do you remove the skin?

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