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Vanilla Ice Cream with Cinnamon Swirl

This ice cream has a wonderful texture and consistency with a taste of cinnamon.

Sometimes I homogenize the mix after cooking it. This is how commercial ice cream is made. Homogenization is normally done with a super expensive homogenizer. It forces the mix through a nozzle under high pressure to break up the solids, especially the fats, into very small particles. This makes a stable and uniform suspension of the fat in the mix making the ice cream smoother and it will also hold air better. To emulate this at home you need a high speed blender. After cooking the mix you add it to a high speed blender while it is still hot. The shear forces of the blender will homogenize the mix.

This recipe totals over 1300g and this might be too much for some smaller ice cream machines. So, just scale it down or only add an appropriate amount when churning.

You can replace the stabilizer with your own favourite or just skip it.

If you use milk and/or cream with a different fat content you can recalculate this in the program or use this page. Milk/Cream Calculator.


Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and mix well.
Add the milk, cream and egg yolks to a pan.
Split the vanilla pod and add the seeds and pod to the mix.
Whisk in the dry ingredients.
Slowly heat to 83C/181F.
Now to homogenize. Remove the vanilla pod and add the mix to a high speed blender.
Blend on max speed for one minute.
Add the mix to a zip-lock bag.
Add the vanilla pod and the vanilla extract to the bag.
Chill in ice water.
Age in fridge overnight or at least four hours.
Remove the vanilla pod.
Run in ice cream machine.
After churning layer the ice cream and the cinnamon swirl in a container.

If you only want a very nice vanilla ice cream just don’t add the cinnamon.

Cinnamon swirl

2dl Cream
1dl sugar
2dl syrup (light golden syrup or swedish ljus sirap or corn syrup)
5g cinnamon
Add all ingredients to a pan and bring to a boil.
Boil for a short time.
Cool in fridge.
NOTE! You will not use all of this in the ice cream! Add by taste.


IngredientWeight (g)Amount (%)
Milk (3.0%)510.038.55
Cream (40.0%)430.032.50
Skim milk powder50.03.78
Egg yolk68.05.14
Vanilla extract10.00.76
Vanilla pod 1g/pod1.000.08
Cremodan 500 Coldline3.000.23


Butter fat14.2 %
Total fat15.8 %
MSNF8.8 %
TSNF28.7 %
Total solids44.5 %
Freezing point-3.6°C, 25.4°F
Weight1323.0 g
Final weight1323.0 g
Energy/100g257 kcal
Energy/100g257 kcal
Evaporation0.0 g
Evaporation %0.0 %
Cacao fat0.0 %
Other fat1.6 %
Protein4.0 %
Total sugar23.4 %
Sugar18.6 %
Lactose4.8 %
Lactose/Water8.6 %
MSNF/Water15.8 %
Other solids1.0 %
Water55.5 %
Stabilizers0.23 %
Stabilizers/Water0.41 %
Egg yolks5.1 %
Egg yolk lecithin0.5 %
Salt0.1 %
Alcohol0.3 %
PAC se265.2
PAC normalized477.7
FP SE-3.0°C, 26.6°F
FP MSNF-0.4°C, 31.3°F
FP Salt-0.1°C, 31.8°F
FP Alcohol-0.2°C, 31.7°F
Frozen water @-14.0°C, 6.8°F69.0 %
Temp at HF65-12.2°C, 10.0°F
Temp at HF70-14.5°C, 5.9°F
Temp at HF75-17.5°C, 0.4°F

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