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10 thoughts on “Overrun”

  1. Selamat malam, mohon maaf menganggu waktunya saya izin bertanya untuk Overrun pada Frozen desert seperti velva apakah wajar dengan Overrun hanya sebesar 4-9% an?
    Dan izin bertanya juga untuk menghitung Overrun menggunakan Densitas larutan es krim itu bagaimana ya min? Soalnya untuk velva rata-rata Overrun dalam jurnal yg saya baca sangat sedikit?

    Terimakasih min 🙏

    1. You can read more about overrun here
      and here

      Or if you use the calculator there are multiple methods you can use.

  2. What is the ideal over run in terms of taste and texture for ice cream? I am trying to make “the perfect ice cream” for a project.

    1. Unless you have factory ice cream equipment you can’t really control the overrun very much.
      For home machines you usually get 15%-30% overrun depending on recipe and equipment.
      I don’t know if there is an ideal amount of overrun anyway, artisan Gelato is usually between 25%-40% I think.

    1. You input the weights. But the unit is not important.
      You fill a container with your ice cream mix and weigh it.
      Then you fill the same container with the ice cream and weigh that.
      Those are the weights you use. It doesn’t matter what unit you weigh in and doesn’t matter how large your container is.
      But the larger the more accurate of course.

  3. Hello dear
    while adding the ingredients to the application the estimated overrun for my strawberry(sorbet) recipe is 25%

    but after testing it weight of mix vs weight of ice cream I’m getting 7.5%
    noting that the ice cream texture is great and the freezing point is 11.5 c Gelato and 14C Ice cream, POD = 240 and PAC 346
    My questing is that this overrun bad or ok or good ?

    thanking you in advance

    1. Ok, first the Overrun in the software is not an estimated overrun. It is a user supplied value.
      There is no way to calculate the actual overrun because it depends both on the recipe and most of all on the equipment.
      So, in the settings you set the overrun your machine usually gives you. This overrun value is then used to estimate the volume of ice cream.
      For your sorbet 7.5% sounds ok to me, maybe a bit low. I have actually not measured the overrun for sorbet so I’m not sure exactly what is normal.
      I think if you make sorbet in a professional batch freezer you get approx 20% overrun.

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